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Summary: Man Jailed (Press, 24 February 1983)
On 24 February 1983, Lawrence John Moana Clark, a 26-year-old unemployed man, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of 60-year-old Jack Robert Scales at the Ambassador Hotel in Palmerston North on 5 November 1982. The court described the attack as "extraordinarily savage," highlighting the brutal nature of the crime. During the trial, evidence was presented that Clark, who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia, killed Scales following a verbal confrontation in which Scales allegedly abused him regarding his homosexual tendencies. The jury deliberated for just over four hours before finding Clark guilty of murder. Despite his mental health issues, the severity of the attack, which included strangulation and the gouging out of Scales' eyes, led to the life sentence imposed by the judge.
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