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Summary: Love Scene Too Early (Press, 22 February 1983)
On 22 February 1983, the Broadcasting Tribunal announced its decision regarding a complaint filed by the Society for the Protection of Community Standards concerning a segment from the "Closeup" television programme. Broadcast on 28 July 1982, the segment included a homosexual love scene that aired shortly after 8 p.m. The society argued that the programme did not reflect standards generally acceptable in the community and lacked significant alternative viewpoints, notably the absence of mainstream church leaders and a lawyer presenting opposing perspectives on homosexual law reform. While the broadcasting corporation defended the programme, suggesting it maintained a reasonable balance, the tribunal concluded that the specific love scene was unnecessary to the overall content and deemed it inappropriate for broadcasting before 8:30 p.m. The tribunal upheld the complaint regarding the viewing hour but did not agree with the allegation concerning the balance of the programme's content. They noted that the period of public interest in the topic had not yet passed but acknowledged that "the need for some balance cannot be put aside indefinitely." In entertainment news, the popular series "CHiPs" was set to return on Two, featuring Erik Estrada reprising his role as Officer Francis "Ponch" Poncharello. Estrada expressed excitement for the new season, highlighting his expanded role as a training officer for new rookie highway patrol officers. Tom Reilly, a former professional football player and model, was cast as Estrada's new partner, having secured the role from over 2000 applicants. His background as a skilled motorcycle rider also aided in his selection. Additionally, Tina Gayle joined the cast as Officer Kathleen Linahan, and Bruce Penhal, a twice World Champion Motorcycle Speedway Racer, took on the role of Officer Bruce Nelson, brother to Reilly’s character. The new season promised to showcase different dynamics and responsibilities among the characters while maintaining its signature excitement.
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