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Summary: Reporter’s Diary (Press, 15 September 1982)
The Canterbury Repertory Society is set to present the farce "Not Now Darling" by Ray Cooney and John Chapman as its final production for 1982. Auditions for the play, which consists of 11 characters (six women and five men), will take place on Sunday, 19 September 1982, at 10:30 a.m. at the Repertory Theatre. Penny Giddens will direct the play, which is scheduled to run from 20 to 27 November 1982. Those interested in auditioning are encouraged to contact the theatre for arrangements regarding audition times and scripts. Additionally, the New Zealand Hospital Pharmacists' Association will hold its conference in Christchurch from 1 to 3 October 1982, where Peter Simpson from David Bull Laboratories in Australia will present a paper on "Antineoplastic dispensing: are we bowling underarm?" In local news, 16-year-old Christchurch schoolgirl Elizabeth Horner has received commendations for her achievement in swimming the English Channel. A reader recalled that the tradition of swimming the Channel gained popularity 50 to 60 years ago, leading to humorous rules to avoid collisions, including that males must yield to females, who have "greater freeboard aft." On 3 October 1982, over 200 golfers are expected to participate in a tournament at Burnham Military Camp to raise funds for the Queen Elizabeth II Army Memorial Museum at Waiduru. The museum has seen significant visitor numbers since its opening in October 1978, with over 100,000 visitors annually. Due to a generous influx of donations, plans for a $500,000 extension of the museum have been initiated. The Burnham tournament, which has previously raised over $2,000 in each of the last two years, hopes for analogous support this year. Meanwhile, there is anticipation of a significant turnout of Canterbury supporters in Wellington for a Ranfurly Shield challenge on a Saturday. Additionally, from 23 to 26 September 1982, Canterbury will participate in the "Discover New Zealand" travel show at the overseas passenger terminal in Wellington Harbour. The event aims to promote 16 attractions and amenities from Canterbury, offering a competitive weekend holiday in the region. Organised by the Canterbury Promotion Council, the display will include 8,000 daffodils and other promotional materials. There is a request for a local food item for sampling and someone skilled at riding a three-seater bicycle to assist in the presentation. Lastly, the BBC has issued a leaflet titled "Insight," which highlights upcoming programmes, including a series called “Couples,” which features studies of homosexual relationships conducted by interviewer Gav Search.
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