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Summary: Cable Briefs (Press, 15 March 1982)
On 15 March 1982, a devastating landslide in Peru is believed to have claimed the lives of up to 50 individuals as it buried 12 vehicles on a jungle road. This incident follows a river flooding disaster in January of the same year that resulted in over 300 deaths in the same region. In the United States, geologists have raised concerns over the ongoing volcanic activity at Mount St Helens, which has been vibrating with seismic activity. The University of Washington's geophysics programme issued an eruption advisory, predicting a possible eruption within three weeks, recalling the deadly eruption on 18 May 1980, which left 60 people either dead or missing. British companies are reportedly profiting from the manufacture and sale of spare parts for Russian military equipment utilized by Arab nations. A report by "The Observer" indicates that these components, primarily for Russian aircraft like the MiG-23, are worth millions of pounds and are mostly sold to countries such as Libya, Syria, and Iraq. The Pan African News Agency (P.A.N.A.) is set to commence operations at the end of 1982, aiming to provide news in English, French, and Arabic. The organisation's goal is to decrease African dependence on Western news agencies, focusing on development issues and organisations such as the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity. In the realm of health, a Soviet news agency has reported that Yerevan, the capital of Soviet Armenia, boasts the highest number of centenarians in the world, with 625 residents aged over 100. The report attributes this phenomenon to the region's unique environmental conditions and the active lifestyle of its inhabitants. A medical conference in Boston highlighted concerns that excessive consumption of junk food harms eye health. Two American optometrists indicated that a poor diet could hinder visual acuity, particularly for aspiring sports stars who require accurate focus during athletic activities. In Norfolk, Virginia, a jury has awarded $1 million to a British couple after they sued a hotel for inadequate security, following the 1976 murder of their son, a research physician, during a robbery. The plaintiffs have received recognition for their legal battle against the previous hotel operator. In the UK, "News of the World" has exposed an alleged plot to assassinate a black African leader and usurp control of Ghana under Flight Lieutenant Rawlings. The newspaper reported that a mercenary named Nick Hall was behind the conspiracy, aiming to seize gold mines following a successful coup. Finally, a notable indecency trial commenced in London against Michael Bogdanov, director of a controversial National Theatre production, “The Romans in Britain.” He faces charges linked to a scene in the play involving simulated homosexual rape, which was brought to court by Mary Whitehouse, an outspoken moral campaigner, under the Sexual Offences Act of 1956.
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