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Summary: Bank Guard Admits $1m Theft (Press, 4 March 1982)
On 4 March 1982, George Bosque, a former Brink's guard, pleaded guilty to theft and bank larceny charges in a Federal District Court in San Francisco. The 26-year-old had been accused of stealing US$1.5 million from an armoured car at San Francisco Airport on 15 August 1980. Despite his guilty plea, the Government continued to pursue an additional charge against him for using force during the robbery. Bosque was apprehended in November 1981 after a significant worldwide manhunt conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which had been set in motion following a tip-off from his homosexual lover. At the time of his arrest, he was found at a supermarket in San Francisco. Reports indicate that Bosque returned to the United States feeling lonely and depressed, having squandered nearly all of the stolen money on extravagant living, which included luxury flats and cars across two continents during his time on the run.
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