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Summary: ‘Pride’ Week For Homosexuals (Press, 20 June 1981)
A film titled “Witches, Faggots, Dikes, and Poofters” will be screened in Christchurch as part of the city's Gay Pride Week. This week-long event has been planned leading up to Stonewall Day, which occurs on 27 June and commemorates the first significant demonstrations by homosexuals against police harassment in the United States. Alongside the featured film, “Boys in the Band” will also be shown during this celebratory week. Mr. Martyn Bullimore, who is the co-ordinator of the programme, announced that a new initiative for Gay Pride Week would involve a gathering designed for homosexuals, their families, and friends. There is an aspiration for Christchurch to emulate initiatives seen in the North Island and establish a support group for parents of homosexuals. Additionally, an open evening aimed at helping homosexuals “come out” will take place at the Lambda Centre, situated in the Arts Centre, on 22 June. A special Eucharist service for homosexual Roman Catholics will also be held on 24 June at the Student Union Building of the University of Canterbury. Other planned social activities include a “Blue Jeans Day” scheduled for 26 June, enhancing community spirit and solidarity during this significant week.
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