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Summary: Census Extends To Gays (Press, 10 March 1981)
On 10 March 1981, it was reported that New Zealand's Statistics Department informed the National Gay Rights Coalition that individuals could identify their homosexual or lesbian relationships in the upcoming census on 24 March 1981. The department advised that gay male and lesbian couples should denote their status as "lesbian/gay couple relationship" in response to the marital status question on the census form. This announcement sparked a significant dialogue within the gay rights community, particularly highlighted by the coalition's convener, Mr Kevin Green. Green expressed that despite the sizable lesbian and gay male population being comparable to that of the Māori population, the Statistics Department had not previously acknowledged their existence in official demographics. The announcement was seen as a step forward, with Green emphasising the importance of visibility for the LGBTQ+ community in national statistics. He noted that if a substantial number of respondents used the new designation for marital status, it could prompt the inclusion of this option in future forms for the 1986 census. This development marked a pivotal moment for recognition and representation of gay and lesbian relationships in New Zealand's official records.
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