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Summary: Lesbian Group Says Report Badly Flawed (Press, 24 February 1981)
On 24 February 1981, the Lesbian Legal Advisory Committee in Wellington submitted a petition to the Governor-General, requesting the dismissal of the current human rights commissioners and the invalidation of a recent report concerning gay rights. The committee contended that the report was inadequately reasoned, flawed, and grounded in a misunderstanding of the Human Rights Commission Act. In their legal case, the committee argued that the commission mishandled the issues presented to it. They specifically claimed that the commission failed to sufficiently define "status" in asserting that homosexuality could not be classified as such according to the Shorter Oxford Dictionary. Furthermore, the committee highlighted a lack of transparency from the commission regarding any research conducted on homosexuality that might support its conclusions. In addition to addressing the Governor-General, the committee also appealed to the Minister of Justice, Mr McLay, asking him to consult his department on the arguments they presented in their petition and to express his agreement or disagreement with their analysis.
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