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Summary: Govt Support Denied (Press, 13 December 1980)
On 13 December 1980, New Zealand's Minister of Justice, Mr McLay, denied government support for the lesbian magazine "Circle" while responding to a parliamentary question from Helensville member Mr D. M. J. Jones. Jones had inquired whether the Committee on Women had received $25,000 from the government and if a portion of these funds had been allocated to assist in publishing "Circle". He also questioned the government’s policy on promoting lesbian groups. Mr McLay clarified that the Committee on Women received a request from the publishers of "Circle" to purchase a typewriter. After careful consideration, the committee decided to buy a second-hand electric typewriter to be owned by the committee and made accessible to various women’s groups, including the publishers of "Circle". He emphasised that this decision does not indicate government support for lesbian groups, stating, “This decision cannot be construed as support by the committee, or for that matter the Government, of lesbian groups.” The Minister further explained that the committee had consistently made it clear that receiving a grant does not imply endorsement of a project or its alignment with the committee’s views. The government allocated an annual amount of $25,000 to the committee for special projects and research since the 1978-79 financial year, and over 110 grants had been made since 1979.
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