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Reporter's Diary (Press, 10 December 1980)

This is a Generative AI summary of this newspaper article. It may contain errors or omissions. Please note that the language in the summary is reflective of the original article and the societal attitudes of the time in which it was written.

Summary: Reporter's Diary (Press, 10 December 1980)

On 10 December 1980, a story discussed the small village settlement of Roimata in Christchurch, which has largely faded from public awareness but is experiencing a slight revival due to real estate interest and a map published by “The Press.” Roimata is located between Linwood and Woolston, south of Ferry Road. Its existence is not officially recognised on Lands and Survey Department maps because it is considered a settlement rather than a suburb. The department's spokesperson noted that settlements often gain suburb status after establishing a post office with the new suburb name, yet officials from the Post Office indicated they had no awareness of Roimata, despite occasional references to the name on incoming letters. The Christchurch City Council also stated that local bodies manage street naming but not suburb naming. Surveyor Kit Iverson pointed out the role of land agents and developers in determining suburb names, suggesting that calling a house for sale in Roimata sounds more appealing than labeling it in Woolston or Linwood. Iverson recalled how Merivale's boundaries have gradually expanded over time. The article also recounted a humorous incident involving two English cricket professionals coaching young players in Ashburton. After driving for over an hour without finding their destination, they stopped to ask a farmer for directions, who revealed they were heading up Porters Pass instead of towards Ashburton. On another note, the article acknowledged Human Rights Day, which is largely uncelebrated. The day drew attention this year with two press releases: one from the New Zealand Baha’is advocating for recognition of their community's plight in Iran and another from the Christchurch Lesbian Support Group seeking acknowledgment of their rights under the Human Rights Commission. Lastly, the story highlighted the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) battling for an increase in its television licence fee. The BBC has been more vocal in its plea compared to New Zealand’s television body, setting up a Licence Campaign Unit to promote its cause. Currently, the yearly charge for a British colour television licence is around $75, with the unit pushing for it to rise to at least $110, while New Zealand colour television owners pay $45 annually.

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Publish Date:10th December 1980