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Summary: M.P. Denies Report (Press, 23 June 1980)
On 23 June 1980, the Labour MP for Mount Albert, Mr W. W. Freer, dismissed a report claiming he revealed the name of the individual he suspected of forging a draft bill on homosexual law reform under his name. Prime Minister Mr Muldoon also rejected this report. Mr Freer stated that during a meeting with Mr Muldoon at Parliament on the previous Friday, he expressed his belief that certain individuals or groups were behind the forgery. Mr Muldoon encouraged Mr Freer to consider pursuing breach-of-privilege charges against the forgers, which Mr Freer plans to do if he can obtain definitive proof. The National Gay Rights Coalition has accused Mr Freer of suggesting that it was implicated in the forgery and has challenged him to either provide evidence for this claim or clarify that the coalition was not involved. Mr G. Young, the coalition’s national co-ordinator, asserted that Mr Freer was disconnected from the coalition, which had opposed both his 1979 draft bill and the current year’s proposal. Young pointed out that Mr Freer was consulting primarily with the Homosexual Law Reform Society, indicating a lack of engagement with the broader perspectives and concerns of lesbians and gay men impacted by the law.
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