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Summary: Police Association Proposal (Press, 6 June 1980)
In a letter published on 6 June 1980 in response to an article by Dr Moodie regarding recommendations to the Human Rights Commissioner, Hugh Gaw, co-editor of Pink Triangle, expresses his concerns about the proposed legal reforms. Gaw appreciates Dr Moodie’s suggestion to lower the age of consent for male homosexual acts to 16, aligning it with the heterosexual age of consent. However, he criticises the exclusion of any changes to the laws relating to sodomy, arguing that this maintains a contradiction in an already flawed legal framework. Gaw points out that both homosexual and heterosexual individuals engage in sodomy, and questions the enforcement of this law if it remains unchanged. He raises concerns about the practicality of policing the law concerning sodomy, particularly how authorities are currently applying it equally to both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Gaw's letter highlights the complexities and inconsistencies within the legal system concerning sexual acts, urging for a more comprehensive reform that addresses these issues rather than partial measures.
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