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Summary: Lesbian Books Inquiry (Press, 2 June 1980)
On 2 June 1980, the Minister of Justice, Mr McLay, responded to inquiries about the classification of several lesbian-themed publications by the Indecent Publications Tribunal. In a written question, Mr D. M. J. Jones, a member of the National Party representing Helensville, sought to have a series of 15 lesbian books, including titles like "Lesbian Body," "The Joy of Lesbian Sex," and "Lesbian Nation," referred to the tribunal for classification. Mr Jones is also advocating for the banning of "Penthouse" magazine. In his reply, Mr McLay clarified that the tribunal does not review every publication or even all those that might be considered questionable. Its main function is to set standards and address difficult or disputed cases. Mr McLay noted that the specific books mentioned by Mr Jones had not been previously sent to the tribunal, and neither the Comptroller of Customs nor the Secretary of Justice was aware of these titles.
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