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Summary: Father Donnelly’s Position (Press, 15 May 1980)
In May 1980, a situation regarding Father Felix Donnelly has raised significant concerns about the evolving limits of toleration within the Catholic Church. Father Donnelly has been officially prohibited from teaching due to his controversial approach to the topic of sexual morality, which has drawn parallels to earlier instances where prominent theologians such as Edward Schillebeeckx and Hans Kung faced similar repression for their views. The Rev. P. A. Drury, a chaplain at the University of Canterbury, expressed solidarity with Donnelly, stating that he is a respected and compassionate priest who attempts to connect Church teachings with contemporary social realities. Drury lamented the Church's inability to accept Donnelly's perspectives, signalling a potential return to a culture of condemnation and silencing that many had hoped was in the past. In contrast, V. H. Anderson, writing in response, argued that while empathy for those facing various misfortunes is essential, Donnelly's proposed solutions are misguided. Anderson contended that had Donnelly limited his advice to private conversations rather than publicly opposing the statements made by the Pope, he may not have encountered such repercussions. Anderson also expressed frustration towards Bishop Mackey for not intervening earlier and noted that Donnelly's public statements over the past decade have caused considerable scandal within the Church. Although Donnelly remains free to express his views, he can no longer do so as an official representative of the Catholic Church.
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