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Summary: Sex Education Veto Praised (Press, 10 April 1980)
On 10 April 1980, the Society for Promotion of Community Standards expressed its approval of New Zealand's Minister of Education, Mr Wellington, for rejecting the recommendations of the Johnson report. This report had suggested that sex education be incorporated into a curriculum focused on human development and relationships for schoolchildren. Mr Wellington's decision, made the previous week, was deemed appropriate by the society, which conveyed its sentiments in a letter from its national secretary, Miss Patricia Bartlett. Miss Bartlett articulated the society's view that children should be allowed to enjoy their childhood without exposure to discussions about adult sexual behaviour. She emphasised the importance of parental involvement in the creation of any syllabus on human relationships that might be implemented and advocated for such a course to be optional for students. Additionally, she opposed the inclusion of sensitive topics like homosexual acts, abortion, and contraception in any proposed educational programme. The society also called for schools to have the autonomy to determine whether to offer these courses, alongside a requirement that parents should be able to review all educational materials, including books and films, before their children were permitted to access them. Overall, their stance reflected a desire to shield children from adult themes and ensure parental authority in educational decisions regarding sensitive subjects.
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