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Summary: The 'gay Life' (Press, 14 January 1980)
A new British television series titled "Gay Life" is set to debut next month, making history as the first programme produced by a major television network to focus exclusively on the lives and issues faced by homosexuals. Developed by London Weekend Television, the show will air late on Sunday nights and will explore a range of controversial topics, including experiences within gay clubs, instances of police harassment, and the challenges encountered by individuals when disclosing their sexual orientation in the workplace. The series aims to address the significant ignorance and prejudice directed towards the gay community, which numbers approximately four per cent of the population, according to the show's producer, Michael Atwell. Atwell expresses hope that "Gay Life" will provide a more informed perspective on the community, helping to dispel prevailing misconceptions and fostering greater understanding among viewers. Although primarily targeted towards gay audiences, the programme is also intended to attract the interest of straight viewers out of curiosity about the subject matter. "Gay Life" is the inaugural production from London Weekend Television's new minorities unit, which plans to develop additional series that highlight the experiences of various underrepresented groups. Upcoming projects include "Skin," focusing on the lives of black and Asian communities in London, and "Twentieth Century Fox," which will cater to a younger demographic.
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