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Summary: M.p. Insists She Has Evidence (Press, 5 November 1979)
On 5 November 1979, Marilyn Waring, a member of Parliament for Waipa, presented evidence suggesting that male police officers in New Zealand have misused their authority to strip-search women. Waring indicated that she had conducted surveys within at least one correctional institution that houses women, bolstering her claims. Her statements come in response to denials from the secretary of the Police Association, Dr. R. A. Moodie, who called her allegations "revolting and grotesque." Dr. Moodie challenged Waring to present concrete evidence of such incidents, threatening that the association would urge for a full government inquiry if she fails to do so. He expressed his concern regarding Waring’s comments, questioning why she did not report any specific cases to authorities if she truly possessed evidence of these practices. Moodie stated that such allegations were damaging to the reputation of police officers and emphasized that the practice of stripping women for searches was entirely prohibited. In her response, Waring asserted that she would publicly address Moodie's remarks and outline her evidence within the week. This confrontation reflects broader concerns about police conduct and the treatment of women within the justice system, highlighting the ongoing debate over accountability and the safeguarding of rights in law enforcement practices.
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