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Summary: Liberal Club Cleared (Press, 22 August 1979)
The chairman of the National Liberal Club in London, Mr Leonard Smith, expressed his satisfaction regarding the decision by the Director of Public Prosecutions not to file charges against the club. This followed an investigation by Scotland Yard into allegations of homosexual assaults and financial irregularities at the club located in Whitehall Place, Westminster. Mr Smith stated that the thorough investigation, in which club officials fully cooperated, revealed that the allegations made in the previous autumn were unfounded in relation to the current structure of the club. He noted that, in response to the allegations, the club has implemented a new structure with a separate management company and commenced necessary renovations of the clubhouse. The previous allegations had posed additional difficulties for the British Liberal Party, which was already dealing with the fallout from the preliminary hearings in the trial of its former leader, Jeremy Thorpe.
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