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Summary: Kids Love Freddie, Gays Don’t (Press, 12 July 1979)
In July 1979, the Hutt Valley Milk Corporation faced criticism from members of the gay community over their marketing campaign featuring a new line of flavoured yoghurt. The campaign introduced a set of 16 characters, with Freddie Fruit Salad being a focal point. Freddie's depiction, which includes a limp wrist and a handbag, was seen by some as reinforcing negative stereotypes about homosexuals. Carol McPhail, a member of Gay Liberation, voiced her concerns, stating that characters like Freddie contribute to public misconceptions and hinder the acceptance of gay individuals as ordinary people. Despite the controversy, the marketing initiative has resonated with children, with Mr P. Smith, the corporation’s marketing manager, reporting significant interest. Approximately 5,000 New Zealanders had reached out for more information regarding Freddie and his companions, and the "Crazy Yogit" club boasted around 550 members based in Wellington. Mr Smith highlighted that while Freddie is portrayed as having quirky characteristics and walking "a little funny," he is not overtly presented as gay. The situation raises questions about the sensitivity involved in marketing strategies and the impact of character representations on societal perceptions, particularly regarding the LGBTQ+ community. The juxtaposition of the enthusiasm from young audiences against the discontent from gay rights advocates underscores the complexities within advertising narratives during this period.
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