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Summary: Officials Sink Plan For Gay Evening Of Dance (Press, 16 April 1979)
A 17-year-old boy, Paul Guilbert, faced a hostile environment at Cumberland High School in Rhode Island after he made a request to take another boy to a junior dance on 4 May. His request was met with jeers from fellow students and a refusal from school officials who stated that they would not grant him a hearing on the matter. The school maintained that the opposition was not based on homoerotic issues, but rather on the objections raised by the other boy’s father. After the public attention surrounding his request, Guilbert returned to school nervous about the potential reactions from other students. He reported that he was met with a barrage of criticism, as many students shouted at him and sought his autograph, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for him throughout the day. Despite this backlash, Guilbert, who identifies as homosexual, expressed his determination to continue his fight for the right to attend the dance with his male companion, receiving backing from the state chapter of the National Gay Rights Task Force. The school superintendent, Robert Condon, explained that the decision to deny Guilbert a hearing was made upon the advice of the school’s attorney, James Santaniello. Condon noted that there was significant opposition to Guilbert’s request from both the student council and the overall student body, raising concerns for his safety at the event. The father of the other boy involved had formally requested that the school committee cancel the hearing related to Guilbert's request, which the school administration complied with.
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