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Summary: "Pornographic" Literature (Press, 16 December 1978)
On 16 December 1978, a letter to the editor from Paul Maling responded to a report published on 12 December about the impact of pornography on individuals' sexual behaviour. Maling referenced a man's statement claiming that pornography had led him to adultery and had put him “on the brink of homosexuality.” He expressed disdain for adultery, highlighting a personal experience of a supposedly “pious” and “religious” man who chose to commit adultery and break up a family instead of accepting a homosexual outlet for his sexual desires. Maling suggested that suitable pornography might have offered a more prudent alternative for this individual. He quoted Max Beerbohm, stating that while one can physically manipulate a sheep, transforming someone into a genuine human being is not possible through coercion. He warned against using religious, social, or political pressures to force individuals into accepting external definitions of their identity, suggesting this could lead to a loss of personal integrity. Maling concluded by asserting that such brainwashing results in a person who may appear to conform but lacks true individuality.
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