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Summary: Presses Of ‘the Times’ Have Fallen Silent (Press, 1 December 1978)
On 1 December 1978, it was reported that the London newspapers "The Times" and the "Sunday Times" would suspend publication indefinitely due to ongoing disruptions caused by militant printers. The decision, made by the owners, was influenced by the need to secure a new agreement with trade unions to ensure uninterrupted production. Both newspapers have been deeply integrated into British culture, with "The Times" being one of the oldest daily publications, first established in 1785. The situation had reached a critical point, leading to significant losses, as the papers had lost 13 million copies over the previous year due to unofficial disputes. The management, led by Lord Thomson of Fleet, expressed intentions to resume publication, but only after securing the cooperation of all unions to adapt to new printing technologies and to reduce overmanning, which management viewed as essential for a sustainable future. Concerns were raised in Parliament regarding the potential long-term suspension, and emergency debates were planned to address the matter. However, the National Graphical Association, representing about 700 printers, refused to negotiate unless the suspension was lifted, fearing job losses from the introduction of computerised printing methods. The mood among the staff at "The Times" was grave as they prepared what could be their final edition for an extended period. They marked the occasion with plans to dine together, signifying both sadness and a sense of hope for the future. Their last edition featured reports on their own operational crisis, alongside coverage of political matters, including a court case involving former U.S. President Richard Nixon and Jeremy Thorpe, a former Liberal Party leader. The absence of "The Times" was anticipated to significantly impact British society, as it served not just as a news source but as a cultural staple for many. Readers expressed sentiments about the newspaper’s importance, with some indicating they would wear symbolic items or grow beards until its return. Lord Thomson, who invested substantially in revitalising "The Times," characterised the suspension as a drastic measure to prevent the slow demise of the newspapers. He reassured the public that there was no intention for permanent closure or sale of the newspapers, underscoring the urgent need for a resolution to the ongoing disputes that threatened their future.
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