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Summary: Survey Of Gay Rights (Press, 8 November 1978)
In August 1978, a survey conducted in the Papanui electorate revealed significant public support for extending the Human Rights Commission Act of 1977 to protect homosexuals from discrimination in several areas, including employment, housing, and the provision of services. The survey found that over 60 per cent of respondents endorsed this extension. Additionally, 24 per cent of participants were in favour of the extension, albeit with certain exceptions, while only 5 per cent supported the act without any consideration for discrimination against homosexuals. A segment of respondents were unsure about their stance. The survey, which included nearly 300 residents of Papanui, was coordinated by Mr R. Duff from the National Gay Rights Coalition and supervised by Ms Penny Fenwick from the sociology department at the University of Canterbury. The data indicated a clear majority—around three-quarters—were in favour of some form of reform concerning homosexual rights. In terms of specific legalisation of homosexual acts between males, opinions varied: 27 per cent believed these acts should be legal for those over 20 years old, 12 per cent for those over 18, while 21 per cent thought the age should be lowered to 16. Conversely, 25 per cent of respondents felt such acts should remain illegal in any circumstance, and 15 per cent were undecided. Mr Duff noted that the findings echoed a similar survey conducted in Wellington, suggesting a growing support for homosexual law reform within New Zealand society.
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