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Summary: Ad. Campaign For Gay Rights (Press, 31 October 1978)
The National Gay Rights Coalition in New Zealand is set to launch an advertising campaign aimed at increasing public awareness of the homosexual movement. This initiative comes on the heels of a two-day annual planning conference held at Victoria University, which saw participation from delegates and observers from the coalition's 30 member groups. Mr M. Waghorne, the coalition's secretary, announced that the campaign will be advertised through private radio stations and newspapers over the next few weeks. This move indicates a proactive approach by the coalition to engage the public on issues affecting the homosexual community. Additionally, the coalition has been processing results from a national questionnaire that sought the opinions of the public and members of Parliament regarding potential legislative changes related to homosexual rights. Preliminary findings suggest that many sitting members of Parliament have been reluctant to respond to the questionnaire. Notably, Mr Waghorne pointed out that Prime Minister Mr Muldoon had not provided any comments, which he noted is unusual and unprecedented. There was, however, a somewhat ambiguous response from former Prime Minister Mr Rowling. The campaign reflects the coalition's ongoing efforts to advocate for homosexual rights and to foster dialogue within the broader community about the challenges faced by individuals in the homosexual movement.
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