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Summary: “Public Tolerance” Of Homosexuality (Press, 12 October 1978)
In a letter to the editor published on 12 October 1978, Varian J. Wilson expressed concern about the New Zealand Parliament's willingness to potentially override the presumed wishes of the majority of citizens regarding the acceptance of homosexual behaviour. He defended the democratic approach of elected representatives over plebiscites, which can be manipulated to support specific viewpoints through biased questioning. Wilson attributed the growing acceptance of homosexuality in Wellington constituencies to the influence of various societal figures, including clergy, educators, and psychologists, whom he believed had been swayed by misleading propaganda. He stated that while he would not oppose a law permitting homosexual conduct between consenting adults in private, he questioned the validity of the notion that same-sex couples could live happily together, suggesting that such a perspective was a myth. Ultimately, Wilson portrayed "gay" individuals as not only unhappy but also a potential threat to children, indicating a broader societal fear around homosexuality at the time.
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