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Summary: Problems With Maintenance (Press, 20 September 1978)
In response to an editorial titled "Problems with maintenance" published on 16 September 1978, letters to the editor raised concerns regarding the perceived inequities in maintenance payment laws. The first letter, written by P. S. Bright, argues that the majority of maintenance orders are unjustly placed against men, with statistical evidence showing that over 99.4 per cent of the 2,134 new maintenance orders from the previous year targeted men. Bright posits that this situation fosters contempt within society and creates an atmosphere where men may feel justified in refusing to respect court orders. He claims that ordinary husbands are being turned into criminals due to what he perceives as a bias from the judiciary, suggesting that courts fail to uphold fair treatment, and calls for society as a whole to bear the financial burden rather than struggling husbands alone. The second letter, authored by W. J. Mentink on 17 September 1978, expresses similar frustrations regarding the maintenance system. Mentink shares anecdotes of three husbands who, after being forced out of their homes, are still required to pay maintenance even though their ex-wives are in new relationships. He questions the justice of these arrangements, arguing that men should not be penalised for circumstances beyond their control, such as being victims of what he describes as "sick women." Mentink suggests that the underlying issues stem from a broader societal sickness, which in turn leads to flawed laws that perpetuate the issues faced by maintenance payers. Both letters illustrate a deep dissatisfaction with the current maintenance payment system, emphasising the perceived unfairness faced by men and calling for a reevaluation of how maintenance orders are enacted and enforced.
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