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Summary: Political Message “to Be Heard" (Press, 24 April 1978)
A letter to the editor published on 24 April 1978 expresses a strong critique of what the writer perceives as the promotion of homosexual propaganda in New Zealand media, particularly referencing a song titled "glad to be gay." The author, Varian J. Wilson, argues that Radio New Zealand and television should take measures to limit the exposure of such content, which he believes is predominantly supported by a vocal minority. In his letter, Wilson shares his personal experiences during years of working night shifts on the railways, as well as his time spent in cheap hotels and interactions with military police while serving in the R.A.F. in South Africa. He notes that during this time, homosexuality was legal, and he observed homosexuals soliciting openly on the streets. These experiences, combined with his background as a psychologist working in mental hospitals in New Zealand, have led him to the conclusion that individuals who identify as homosexual are either "criminal or sick." Wilson dismisses the notion of a benign, happy homosexual relationship as nothing more than a “mythological creature,” asserting that it does not reflect reality. He cites the documentary "Johnny Go Home," which exposed the exploitation of young boys in Britain, as an example of how these issues are often minimised or ignored in media discussions. He expresses frustration that follow-up conversations surrounding such serious matters are often stifled. Overall, the letter reflects a strong opposition to the acceptance and visibility of homosexuality in the media, based on the author's personal observations and societal beliefs from his experiences.
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