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Summary: Gay Liberation And W.d.f.f. (Press, 1 July 1977)
In a letter to the editor published on 1 July 1977, Mike Waghorne, the Editor of the Gay Liberation Front Newsletter, criticises members of the Women's Division of Federated Farmers for their disconnectedness from the realities faced by those living in less privileged conditions. He argues that individuals who are accustomed to comfort and luxury often blame societal issues on those who struggle, specifically targeting the trend of blaming working mothers and misleading narratives about homosexuals. Waghorne defends the Gay Liberation movement, stating that it does not adhere to restrictive sexual stereotypes and supports a view of sexuality that acknowledges it as a natural expression of affection and an important aspect of partnership. He points out the exclusion faced by the Gay Liberation Front, noting that in the past 15 months, they have only been invited to one school in Christchurch and none in Marlborough, highlighting the ongoing discrimination and lack of understanding surrounding gay rights and relationships.
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