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Summary: 'Penthouse’ Gets Clearance (Press, 31 December 1976)
The Indecent Publications Tribunal in New Zealand recently reviewed two editions of the American magazine "Penthouse" from February and July 1976, deeming them "at the limit of acceptance." This decision was announced on 31 December 1976. The tribunal observed that the magazines featured a heightened focus on photographs that highlighted female genitalia, which marked a notable change from previous editions. Additionally, one issue contained a series of images depicting a "fantastically" sadistic and lesbian scenario. Despite these changes, the tribunal concluded that the magazines should not have their distribution restricted, affirming that they are considered indecent only for individuals under the age of 18. The Customs Department had submitted these particular issues for the tribunal's consideration, and the hearing took place in Wellington in October. This was the sixth time "Penthouse" issues had been brought before the tribunal. The tribunal remarked on the difference in standards between the English and American versions of the magazine, noting that the English editions typically fell into the category of indecency, while the American editions were viewed as suitable for those over 18 years old. The tribunal's ruling reflects a continued engagement with the complex issues surrounding publication standards and societal norms regarding adult content.
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