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Summary: Gays To Stick Together More (Press, 27 October 1976)
During a Gay Liberation conference held in Wellington over the Labour Weekend in 1976, attendees decided to establish a national Gays Rights Commission aimed at raising awareness and changing public perceptions of gay individuals. Organisers of the conference believe that the commission will foster greater unity among the various Gay Liberation groups across New Zealand, which have struggled to collaborate effectively in the past. Despite the importance of the event, many invited guests chose not to attend, including representatives from significant organisations such as the Labour Party, the National Party, the Samaritans, Young Nats, Social Credit, the Justice Department, and the Council for Civil Liberties. However, a variety of other organisations did contribute representatives to the closing public forum of the conference. A speaker from the Values Party predicted that their first member in Parliament would propose a private member's bill aimed at repealing discriminatory laws against homosexuals. The party advocates for the belief that the State should not legislate personal behaviour among consenting adults in private settings. During the discussions, representatives from the homosexual community articulated the pressing need for the repeal of existing laws rather than mere reforms. They shared personal testimonies about the anguish, guilt, self-hatred, and fear that many in the gay community experience due to societal stigma and legal oppression.
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