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Progressive Newspaper (Press, 5 August 1975)

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Summary: Progressive Newspaper (Press, 5 August 1975)

The Progressive Kiwi Party has intensified its election campaign by launching a national newspaper dedicated to outlining its policies on financial and general law reform, according to a report from Wellington on 5 August 1975. Mr D. K. Mitchell, the party's founder and a candidate for Wellington Central, stated that while the party's main focus would be on Wellington, it aims to garner serious attention from the entire nation. The first edition of the newspaper is set to be available next month across the country, priced at 50 cents per copy. Mr Mitchell, who previously was a member of the National Party, the Social Credit League, and the New Democrats, did not provide specific details regarding the financial reform policies of the party. However, the Progressive Kiwi Party advocates for various reforms, including tax reductions, and changes to laws surrounding drugs, divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. Additionally, they propose the cancellation of the Wanganui computer project. Currently, the party has 300 members and has officially named two candidates for the upcoming election: Mr Mitchell himself and Mr D. M. Clarke in Porirua. The party's goal is to present candidates for all ten Wellington electorates.

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Publish Date:5th August 1975