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Summary: Underground Gay Lib.? (Press, 16 June 1975)
On 16 June 1975, the Gay Liberation Front expressed concerns regarding a proposed amendment to the Crimes Amendment Bill suggested by Dr G. A. Wall. Mr P. R. H. Maling, the organisation's publicity officer, stated that if this amendment were enacted, it would push the gay community back into secrecy, much like historically persecuted religious minorities. He argued that curtailing freedom of speech, as proposed by Dr Wall, would negatively impact not only the gay community but also those providing support, such as social workers and psychologists. Maling emphasised that individuals seeking guidance regarding their sexual orientation would be discouraged from approaching Gay Liberation for understanding and acceptance. He warned that the proposed legislation would significantly hinder the organisation's efforts to educate the public about homosexuality. Additionally, Maling pointed out that media outlets might become cautious about covering gay activities due to potential legal repercussions stemming from the amendment.
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