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Summary: Support For Reform (Press, 14 June 1975)
On 14 June 1975, a significant policy meeting of the Lincoln College Students' Association revealed strong support for the reform of New Zealand's laws concerning homosexuality. With over 150 students in attendance, the meeting endorsed, in principle, the recommendations made by the Crimes Amendment Committee, which aimed to liberalise existing laws related to homosexuality. The students supported a call for the New Zealand Government to lower the age of consent for homosexual relations to 16 years, aligning it with the age of consent for heterosexual relationships and female homosexuals. This stance was consistent with the broader policy of the New Zealand University Students' Association, which had previously encouraged its constituent associations to foster sexual liberation groups on university campuses. This meeting marked a pivotal moment in advocating for the reform of laws that had historically been restrictive towards homosexual individuals in New Zealand.
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