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Summary: Comments Called Speculation (Press, 17 May 1975)
On 17 May 1975, Mr R. N. Kennaway, the Christchurch representative of the Homosexual Law Reform Society, expressed his views in response to comments made by Miss Patricia Bartlett regarding homosexuals. During a meeting of the Canterbury-Westland branch of the Society of Accountants, Miss Bartlett had made assertions about the behaviour of homosexuals. Mr Kennaway argued that these remarks were unfounded and highlighted the lack of serious research on homosexuality in New Zealand. He stated that most homosexuals strive to lead normal lives despite facing considerable challenges. In his critique of Miss Bartlett's statements, he accused her of indulging in speculation rather than presenting evidence-based insights. Furthermore, Mr Kennaway suggested that her comments reflect a broader pattern of prejudice that has historically targeted minority groups, alluding to the harmful tactics employed by totalitarian regimes. He stressed the importance of understanding and supporting homosexual individuals rather than perpetuating unfounded stereotypes. This discourse emphasises the ongoing debate about homosexuality and the societal perceptions surrounding it in New Zealand during the 1970s.
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