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Summary: Women Out To Fight ‘bias’ In The Media (Press, 10 December 1974)
In December 1974, the United Nations officially announced that 1975 would be designated as the “Year of Women.” This decision sparked a variety of reactions among men and women alike, with some questioning the necessity of a dedicated year for women's issues, while others expressed scepticism about the UN's commitment, especially given the limited budget allocated for it – only $400,000 compared to more significant amounts for other years focused on population and human rights. In response to these concerns, an international women’s conference was convened in Frankfurt, West Germany, attended by approximately 500 women from 14 countries. The conference served as a platform for discussing the ongoing struggle for equal rights, allowing participants to engage in collaborative discussions on diverse topics including legal issues, healthcare for women, wages for housework, media representation, lesbian politics, and motherhood. During the conference, there was a division of opinion regarding the recognition of 1975 as “Women’s Year.” Ultimately, attendees decided to communicate their reservations to the UN Secretary-General, suggesting that the UN should not attempt to monopolise the women's movement while questioning what meaningful outcomes could be expected without addressing fundamental issues affecting women. Despite their scepticism about the effectiveness of a designated year for women, many conference participants regarded it as an opportunity for increased visibility and a rallying point for their campaigns. One key focus was the upcoming parliamentary consideration of abortion laws in Italy, where women leaders highlighted their belief that women, most impacted by childbearing, should have the right to decide on such matters. There was similar concern in England and Germany regarding the issue of remuneration for housework, with advocates arguing that domestic work is a vital contribution to society deserving of recognition and compensation. Moreover, the conference addressed the need for women’s representation in the media, emphasizing that events relevant to women should be covered by female journalists to counteract biased portrayals. This move anticipated a trend for 1975, where only women reporters would be allowed at press conferences concerning women's events, aiming to foster a more accurate depiction of women’s experiences and issues. Delegates also expressed solidarity with women striving for equal rights in the workplace and highlighted the added burdens faced by mothers in fulfilling their family responsibilities. A unanimous resolution was made in support of women rejecting the traditional subservient roles imposed on them and those who opt to embrace alternative lifestyles, including living with other women. Despite societal labels such as "lesbian," which carry negative connotations, participants left the conference feeling empowered and unified in their quest for gender equality, buoyed by a newfound sense of collective strength that extended beyond their individual countries to the global community of women and, for 1975, the support from the United Nations.
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