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Summary: Six Murder Charges (Press, 28 January 1974)
In a preliminary hearing held in Houston, Texas, the case of 17-year-old Elmer Henley, accused of multiple murders, has drawn significant attention following two weeks of chilling testimony. The proceedings have concluded, and a judge is expected to rule on a defence motion that seeks to suppress both oral and written statements made by Henley after his arrest. Henley faces charges related to the murders of six young men, part of a larger investigation into the killings of 27 youths connected to a series of homosexual killings. Henley was taken into custody in August 1973 in relation to the murder of 33-year-old Dean Corll. During the hearing, Henley claimed that he shot Corll in self-defence, a statement that has yet to be fully evaluated by the judge overseeing the proceedings. As the case progresses, the legal community and public are closely watching the implications of this high-profile trial.
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