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Summary: Opening Of New Police Station (Press, 10 December 1973)
On 10 December 1973, Prime Minister Mr Kirk inaugurated a new police station in Christchurch, remarking on the challenges faced by the police service over the past decade and acknowledging the progress made, while noting the significant work still needed. About 450 guests attended the opening ceremony, but a group of 10 protesters also gathered outside the station. The new building had been functional for two months prior to the official opening. During his address, Mr Kirk highlighted the importance of solid police policies but emphasised that efforts must extend beyond merely addressing crime to also tackle the underlying social issues that contribute to criminal behaviour. He expressed concern about the criminal justice system's limited ability to prevent crime at its source or change the motivations behind it. He framed the fight against crime as a multidimensional effort that requires improvements in housing, education, healthcare, and support for the elderly and disadvantaged. Mr Kirk argued that community action represented the first line of defence against crime, while a well-trained police force serves as an essential component for maintaining public safety. He issued a stern warning against drug trafficking and violent behaviour in the community, asserting that individuals engaged in such activities should be unwelcome and should leave. Despite acknowledging the important role of police, Mr Kirk noted the paradox of public perception, where police actions sometimes prompted accusations of misconduct, such as bullying or insensitivity. He suggested that these accusations often stemmed from emotional responses rather than rational criticism. He called for the community to forge a better understanding of the police and their crucial role in society, especially in light of a crime rate that was increasing without a corresponding rise in population. The protests were marked by the presence of demonstrators holding Gay Liberation banners, who remained silent throughout the speeches. Mr Kirk made a lighthearted remark regarding the protesters, referencing an earlier comment from MP B. G. Barclay about fines for allowing goats to roam the streets, joking that while he wasn't concerned about goats, there were plenty of them "on Cambridge Terrace" that day. Overall, Mr Kirk's speech underscored a comprehensive strategy aimed at addressing crime through societal change, community involvement, and the necessity of a capable police force while also acknowledging the complexities surrounding public perception of law enforcement.
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