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Summary: Homosexuality Law Changes Sought (Press, 13 June 1973)
On 13 June 1973, a national campaign launched in Christchurch aimed at securing equal legal status for homosexuals, comparable to that of heterosexuals. The Campaign for Homosexual Equality, an organisation representing over 150 homosexual individuals, is initiating this campaign by distributing a petition. The petition calls for the repeal of sections 140 to 142 of the 1961 Crimes Act, which criminalise certain sexual acts between consenting individuals under the age of 21. The organisation is advocating for the legal recognition of sexual acts between consenting persons aged 16 and over, regardless of their sexual orientation. Furthermore, the petition seeks to eliminate all other anti-homosexual legislation, with the objective of achieving legal parity between heterosexual and homosexual behaviour and ultimately abolishing sexual discrimination in New Zealand law. A national conference aimed at gathering support for homosexual law reform is planned in Christchurch later this year, after which the collected petition will be formally presented to the Government. Mrs D. Halpin, a spokesperson for the Campaign for Homosexual Equality, highlighted the support that the group has garnered from various entities, including the New Zealand University Students’ Association as well as several church and welfare organisations. She referenced a statement by Professor B. James, a professor of psychological medicine at the University of Otago, published in “The Press” earlier that year, which aligned with the campaign’s ethos. Professor James asserted that homosexuals should be governed by the same legal principles that apply to heterosexuals, advocating for the recognition of sexual activities among consenting adults aged 16 and over, irrespective of sexual orientation.
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