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Summary: New Role For Raquel Welch (Press, 6 April 1971)
On 5 April 1971, it was reported that Hollywood actress Raquel Welch is set to star in the upcoming film "A Pope called Joan," where she will portray a woman posing as a pope. The film will be produced by Welch's husband, Patrick Curtis, and directed by George Pan Cosmatos. The storyline is based on the legend of a ninth-century pope, John VIII, who is believed by some historical accounts to have actually been an Englishwoman named Joan. According to the legend, during her papacy from 853 to 855, she gave birth during a papal procession, a significant event that has contributed to her story's notoriety. In a related development, another film exploring this topic is currently being made at Bray, near London, featuring Swedish actress Liv Ullmann.
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