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Summary: Magistrates Court Man Sentenced To Year’s Gaol For... (Press, 19 February 1970)
In the Magistrates Court on 18 February 1970, Brian Puarakau Harrison, a 33-year-old truck driver with a long criminal history dating back 20 years, was sentenced to one year in prison for the burglary of Kokatahi Stores in Westland on 22 January. Harrison had 43 previous convictions, primarily for property crimes, and his lawyer argued that Harrison might be at risk of becoming institutionalised due to his extensive incarceration. He pleaded guilty to the charges, having previously denied his offences. The Magistrate, Mr. P. L. Molineaux, cited the need to protect the public, stating that Harrison had shown a blatant disregard for previous leniencies offered by the court. Also sentenced was Walter William James Beech, 36, who received a nine-month prison term for multiple charges, including false pretences and theft. Beech had committed some offences while on bail and had a significant history of alcohol-related issues. His offences totaled a mere $15.92, but the Magistrate expressed concern over Beech's treatment and past probation measures being ineffective. Seventeen-year-old Benjamin Richard Kora was sentenced to three months’ imprisonment for being a rogue and a vagabond, with multiple previous convictions on record. He had been found on private premises late at night, leading to fear among the residents. Judith Glennis Tout, a 25-year-old unemployed woman, faced multiple charges for writing bad cheques amounting to $133.40 and was remanded for a probation report before being sentenced on 4 March. Maurice Claude Busch, 55, was fined $90 and disqualified from driving for 18 months after being found guilty of operating a vehicle with excessive alcohol in his system. Michael Buchanan, 21, was fined for an assault that occurred after a dispute over a taxi fare. George Leonard Jury, 23, was discharged after pleading guilty to failing to attend mandatory military camp due to personal issues. Gordon Frederick Hinga, 18, was remanded in custody after pleading guilty to multiple traffic violations and had a history of driving while disqualified. The Magistrate showed concern regarding Hinga's blatant disregard for the law. Various lesser traffic offences were dealt with, imposing fines that were generally accompanied by cost orders. Penalties were applied in cases of speeding, driving without a valid licence, and other road safety infractions. In civil cases, numerous judgment summons were concluded with payment orders, indicating a bright array of debts owed by various individuals to businesses and entities, ranging from minor amounts to significant sums. Overall, the court heard a range of cases, reflecting ongoing issues with crime, particularly related to property and alcohol misuse, while illustrating the challenges posed by recidivism in repeat offenders.
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