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Summary: Letter To M.p.s (Press, 31 May 1969)
The New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Society has expressed concern that many members of Parliament are not recognising the shift in public opinion regarding homosexuality. In a letter addressed to all Parliamentarians on 31 May 1969, the society highlighted the support from various churches and organisations for the removal of legal penalties against consensual homosexual acts between males in private. The letter urged MPs to educate themselves on the perspectives of those supporting reform, particularly when moral considerations are raised. The society clarified that reforming the law would not equate to endorsing homosexual behaviour, asserting that the issue cannot be disregarded as it potentially impacts about 50,000 individuals in New Zealand, according to estimates from the Justice Department. They noted that the topic is likely to arise in discussions during election meetings and expressed hope that representatives from all political parties would take it upon themselves to be informed on the matter. Additionally, the letter announced the establishment of a new branch of the society in Dunedin, supported by the Otago Mental Health Association, and indicated plans for a fifth branch in Palmerston North. Overall, the society is advocating for greater awareness and understanding among MPs regarding the need for legal reform concerning homosexuality.
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