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Summary: General News (Press, 4 January 1969)
Emergency services at Christchurch Airport were put on stand-by on 3 January 1969 when a United States Navy Hercules aircraft landed with one propeller feathered. However, a spokesperson from the United States Navy Antarctic support force headquarters confirmed that there was no issue with the aircraft; the feathering was part of a practice drill. In Christchurch, cooler temperatures were noted at local beaches due to a light easterly wind, resulting in lower attendance compared to the previous days. Surf conditions at Taylor’s Mistake reached between 3ft to 4ft, while other beaches reported surf of less than 2ft. Waimairi Beach experienced a choppy sea, where a 3ft shark was caught, and several porpoises were spotted at Waimairi and Pegasus Beach. In other news, D. Coghlan, a miner from Reefton, achieved what is believed to be a New Zealand coal-shovelling record by filling a half-ton hopper in 56.65 seconds, which was nearly ten seconds faster than his closest competitor. The previous record holder, L. Warren, struggled and took 75.65 seconds to complete the task. On 2 January, the Governor-General Sir Arthur Porritt and his family enjoyed a less successful fishing day aboard the Tauranga Harbour Board tug Rotorua, catching only a dozen fish, primarily the tarakihi and rock cod, with Miss Joanna Porritt being the most successful angler. International weather reports indicated widely varying conditions, with Rome experiencing a sunny day with temperatures ranging from 34 to 58 degrees, while London had some sun with temperatures from 41 to 48 degrees. Other cities including Berlin and Amsterdam faced rain and overcast skies. A study is set to be conducted in the United Kingdom to examine the treatment and advice available for homosexuals following a change in legislation. Professor D. L. Mathieson from Victoria University will investigate the counselling efforts of the Albany Trust and similar organisations during a year-long study leave at Oxford University. Fishing enthusiasts were pleased as Mr. J. Gajewski from Melbourne caught three American brook trout at Taupo, weighing 4lb 13oz, 5lb 4oz, and 3lb 4oz. Brook trout are considered a high-quality catch but are rare, with approximately 700 of them released above the Hinemaiaia dam since 1952. In the dairy sector, Waikato’s dairy production has rebounded after a poor start to the season, catching up with the previous year's outputs and potentially exceeding them in some factories, aided by improved feed conditions following recent rain.
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