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Summary: Letters To The Editor (Press, 1 November 1968)
On 1 November 1968, the Editor outlined specific guidelines for readers wishing to submit letters for publication. Letters should preferably be typed, or else written in ink on one side of the paper only. Submissions must include a legible signature and a full address; a P.O. box number alone is not considered sufficient. Writers must indicate whether their letters have been submitted to other publications. The Editor noted that letters deemed unsuitable for printing cannot be returned or acknowledged, although exceptions may be made when necessary. Furthermore, letters are limited to a maximum of 150 words. The Editor addressed a few specific contributors: A. W. Ericson was reminded that their letter exceeded the word limit; Granny’s topic was no longer open for discussion; G. McKee was informed there was no room to address the Vietnam issue at that time; and the topic raised by “Keep Business Clean” regarding the imprisonment of debtors would not be revisited. Eileen Barker Brown was also told that there was no space for further correspondence on homosexual law reform. Finally, A. J. Roberts was informed that there are endless possibilities for calculations related to a topic discussed in the leading article the previous day.
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