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Chaplain’s View Of Homosexuals (Press, 29 October 1968)

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Summary: Chaplain’s View Of Homosexuals (Press, 29 October 1968)

On 29 October 1968, the Associated Churches of Christ held an annual conference in Nelson, where significant discussions regarding the legal status of homosexuality took place. The conference passed a motion advocating for changes to the law to decriminalise homosexual acts between consenting male adults in private. This motion was introduced by K. R. Daniels, a psychiatric social worker, who emphasised the Church's role in leading on social issues such as this one and highlighted the necessity of intellectual honesty concerning the emotive nature of the topic. Daniels condemned the prejudices surrounding homosexuality, asserting that such attitudes often dehumanise individuals, reducing them to derogatory terms. He referred to scientific evidence suggesting that homosexuality stems from deep-seated personality disturbances experienced in childhood, which are beyond the individual's control. He argued that the current legal system exacerbates the suffering of homosexuals and creates a duality in their existence. Seconding Daniels' motion, Rev. G. L. Sweet, a Christchurch prison chaplain, expressed his view that fears regarding the effects of legalising homosexuality were unfounded. He pointed out that homosexuals come from various professions and backgrounds, including lawyers, doctors, and teachers, and many of them are active church members. Sweet reiterated that in countries where laws had been revised to permit homosexual acts, there was no evidence supporting fears of increased homosexuality or negative societal impacts. He also addressed concerns about the safety of children, asserting that like heterosexuals, homosexuals tend to have little interest in children who are not developmentally mature. Sweet separated the issue of legality from morality, stating that moral and social concerns should be approached through appropriate societal means rather than through punitive legislation. The motion, which was supported by the conference, called for deeper exploration of the subject of homosexuality, recognising the need for moral evaluation, medical research, and law reform. The conference's resolution represented a progressive step within the Church towards addressing the complexities surrounding homosexuality and advocating for a more compassionate and understanding societal approach.

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Publish Date:29th October 1968