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Summary: Paparua Inquiry (Press, 18 October 1968)
An inquiry into allegations of homosexuality at Paparua Prison has been completed, as announced on 18 October 1968. The investigation, conducted by Mr. E. A. Lee, S.M., a retired senior magistrate from Christchurch, lasted four days. His report is expected to be submitted to the Justice Department in approximately three weeks. The inquiry was initiated following claims made by two inmates who escaped from the prison and expressed their disgust regarding homosexual activities within its confines. The superintendent of Paparua Prison, Mr. M. C. M. K. Carew, confirmed that anyone who provided statements related to the alleged homosexual practices was welcome to give evidence during the inquiry. A significant number of individuals took up this opportunity to share their accounts. The Justice Department deemed the investigation necessary to address these serious allegations and maintain integrity within the prison system.
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