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Summary: Parliament May Sit Until December (Press, 14 October 1968)
On 14 October 1968, reports from the New Zealand Press Association indicated that Parliament in Wellington is expected to continue its session until late November or early December, with potential concluding dates set for either 29 November or 6 December 1968. The current session commenced on 26 June 1968 and still has over 50 bills pending consideration, in addition to more than half of the Government's expenditure estimates yet to be approved. New legislative measures and a supplementary list of Government expenditure are also expected to be introduced. Among the bills awaiting discussion is the contentious Matrimonial Proceedings Amendment Bill. This proposal suggests that adultery should be removed as a ground for immediate divorce, instead making it a ground for separation. However, it is anticipated that this particular aspect of the bill will not be debated during the current session, as the Statutes Revision Committee is expected to review and postpone the adultery proposal for consideration in the recess. Another significant topic under consideration is the inquiry into Scientology. The Social Services Committee has devoted two full days to examining evidence for and against the organisation and is set to resume hearings the following week. The timeline for additional submissions and the committee's report to Parliament remains uncertain. The Petitions Committee is also preparing to commence public hearings regarding the potential abolition of criminal penalties for consensual homosexual acts between adult males. Simultaneously, the Government is aiming to push through several legislative measures, though it is believed that the caucus has resolved to delay a number of bills until the next session in light of the considerable volume of business currently before the House. Key legislative discussions include substantial bills addressing tax reform, mental health legislation, domestic and marriage procedure reforms, and measures targeting private broadcasting stations alongside the prohibition of illegal broadcasting operations. The last session of Parliament concluded in late November of the previous year, signalling the ongoing complexities and pressing issues faced by legislators in the current term.
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