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Summary: Rabbit Farm Comment (Press, 11 October 1968)
On 10 October 1968, concerns were raised regarding a proposal to establish a commercial rabbit farm in New Zealand, with a Department of Agriculture official highlighting the high investment costs associated with such a venture. The official mentioned that while fur production alone might not be viable, there could be potential in combining meat and fur production. However, it was noted that New Zealand would likely struggle to compete with Red China's current exploitation of available markets at competitive prices. The official confirmed that an application for a rabbit farm on 10 acres of land near Palmerston North was just one among approximately 100 applications submitted for similar farms. The Minister of Agriculture had previously indicated that without a significant export market for rabbit meat, existing prohibitions on such farming would remain in place. Additionally, a holder of a deer-farming licence suggested conducting a research project to evaluate the economic feasibility of rabbit farming, implying that it may be necessary to establish its viability or lack thereof definitively. The official further commented that backyard farming was becoming less viable in modern New Zealand, citing the successful broiler chicken industry, which operates on a large-scale, high-investment basis. As such, it seemed unlikely that rabbit farming would differ from this trend. In a separate note, the Parliamentary Petitions Committee would hold an open hearing on 23 October 1968 to consider a petition to repeal criminal penalties for homosexual behaviour between consenting males, allowing accredited press representatives to attend the session.
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