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Summary: Letters To The Editor (Press, 11 December 1967)
On 11 December 1967, a set of guidelines for submitting letters to the Editor was outlined. Letters should be preferably typed, or if handwritten, must be in ink on one side of the paper only. A legible signature and full address are mandatory, with a stipulation that a P.O. box number is insufficient for publication purposes. Writers must also explicitly state if their letters have been sent to other publications. The Editor reserves the right to refuse unsuitable letters without offering the chance for return or acknowledgment, although necessary communications may be made at the Editor's discretion. Additionally, letters should not exceed 150 words. Several specific topics were mentioned regarding correspondence. Brian Blackmore discussed the shared production of a performance with Whim Wham, while G. N. Smith suggested some queries were better suited for the advertising section. A writer expressing disappointment as an ex-All Black was informed that there was no space for further discussion on that topic. Similarly, concerns about recent discussions on homosexual law could not be repeated due to space limitations. Furthermore, inquiries addressing country medical services were declared closed and would not be revisited. A legal query regarding the validity of lightning-related claims was advised to be tested in courts, which prompted a recommendation to consult a solicitor for further advice. Lastly, an Indignant Kiwi expressed frustration regarding New Zealand's non-action towards bringing a matter to the United Nations, noting that international jurisdiction would require consent from both involved governments, including the Scottish Nationalist Government-In-Exile. The Editor reiterated a lack of available space for these issues.
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