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Summary: Homosexual Corruption Of Soldiers Alleged (Press, 9 December 1967)
On 7 December 1967, it was reported that the Director of Public Prosecutions in the UK was contemplating criminal charges related to allegations involving young soldiers being corrupted at high-society homosexual parties. The Attorney-General, Sir Elwyn Jones, confirmed in Parliament that a police report regarding these allegations had been received, prompting considerations for potential criminal proceedings. A Conservative Member of Parliament, Sir Cyril Osborne, urged the Attorney-General to expedite the investigation, particularly as a newspaper report suggested that the issue could potentially compromise the honour of a member of Parliament. The “Daily Mail” disclosed that Scotland Yard's vice squad had conducted an extensive investigation into the homosexual activities involving a prominent Labour M.P., though Scotland Yard itself refrained from commenting on the matter. The allegations suggested that young soldiers from the Welsh Guards and the Household Cavalry were lured to extravagant homosexual parties hosted in affluent London flats and large country estates by a wealthy vice ring. It was claimed that these soldiers were enticed by affluent men from various sectors including politics, the legal field, religion, and entertainment, and were offered lavish gifts for their attendance at these gatherings. While private homosexual acts between consenting adults had been legalised in Britain following an amendment to the Sexual Offences Act in July 1967, such acts remained illegal within the military. The unfolding investigation has raised significant concerns about the conduct of certain individuals within political and social spheres, as well as the treatment of young soldiers in these circumstances.
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