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Summary: Homosexual Law Reform (Press, 13 November 1967)
The New Zealand Homosexual Law Reform Society is preparing to petition Parliament for changes to the laws concerning homosexual acts between consenting adults in private. Mr J. W. Goodwin, the society's secretary, highlighted that recent modifications to abortion laws in Britain have sparked renewed interest and debate surrounding similar issues in New Zealand, including those related to homosexual law. He expressed the hope that members of both political parties will approach the topic of homosexual law reform with the same level of rational consideration that they have shown towards abortion legislation. Goodwin pointed out that the matter is gaining significant attention from various churches and universities across the country. The society comprises members from diverse backgrounds and professions, reflecting a broad base of support for reform. As part of its educational initiatives, the society is developing publications aimed at providing facts to facilitate responsible discussions on the subject, which Goodwin indicated is expected by the Minister of Justice. The society is optimistic about fostering informed dialogue as they seek meaningful change in the legal treatment of homosexual acts in New Zealand.
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